How do you improve your workshops? Here are my tips on improving workshops step by step. I guarantee it will get much better over time!
Tag: tips & tricks
Good advises, best patterns and some not-so-common ideas on how to do stuff.
This Guy Broke The Internet With His Survey-Fu
Make your surveys more useful & user-friendly by doing these 3 super-fast and super-simple things.
Weekly Review – Lists of Tasks
While doing weekly reviews don’t forget to check lists of your finished, in progress and blocked tasks.
The Power of Silly Questions
By asking seemingly silly question we can learn more then we expect, and encourage others to join the discussion.
Reminders to Myself
Sometimes in the middle of the day I need to remind myself about some ground rules. This is where my personal information radiators can help!
Parallel Universe
How to measure what is hard to measure? This one trick can help.
Simple & Powerful Sprint Capacity Planning Technique
A simple trick that could help you better predict the capacity of your next sprints. All you need to do is to gather some more data about the past ones.
Social Media & News Detox
Browsing social media brings anxiety and sadness – so why do it at all? I try to strictly limit my online presence both on social media and news sites.
On Writer’s Block and Publishing Often
Write a blog post every week to keep your audience engaged? No. Don’t. Just don’t.
Feedback Sandwich Is Pure Evil!
Don’t use feedback sandwich! It doesn’t work and will do more harm than good. There are much better approaches to giving feedback.