This blog post opens a series devoted to 4DX (4 Disciplines of Execution) framework (see all posts about 4dx).
Basically, the 4DX helps to achieve team’s priority in the midst of urgency. It consists of 4 steps which I describe below. For details, I suggest you check the 4dx book.
1. Focus on WIG
First thing you need to decide what is your priority (remember, priority is singular, not plural!). Then, you should express it in the form of:
“from [initial value] to [desired value] by [deadline]”
so you know:
- where you are – [initial value]
- where you want to be – [desired value]
- when you want to get there – [deadline]
There are few more things about 4dx WIG you should know.
2. Act on Lead Measures
Lag measure tells you if you achieved your goal. Lead measures inform you if you are moving in the right direction. Usually you can’t move the lag measure with your everyday work, so you should focus on improving the lead measures.
The distinction between Lag and Lead is better explained in this article: 4DX: LAG vs. LEAD
3. Keep a compelling scoreboard
Are we winning or loosing? The sport teams can easily answer this question by looking at the scoreboard. You need a scoreboard as well, so you tell at a glance how you perform.
There is much more about the scoreboard that meets the eye: check 4dx scoreboard article to learn more.
4. Create a cadence of accountability
If there is no time devoted to your priority then it won’t get done: urgent things will steal your focus. You need to make sure there is time in your calendar for what has to be done so that your main objective is met. In particular, the whole team should gather regularly to discuss the progress and set actions for the incoming days.
Check 4dx cadence of accountability article for some more insights on the cadence.
The End? Not really!
If you seriously think about implementing 4DX at your team/company then you could benefit from these 4dx implementation hints.