How could you use the progress principle to boost team engagement? Here are few proven ways to do that. Enjoy!
Tag: productivity
Productivity is the holy grail of working. Being productive is what we should be paid for.
The Progress Principle: Making Progress in Meaningful Work
The progress principle says that the most important factor for engagement is making progress in meaningful work. Based on work by Teresa Amabile
This Guy Broke The Internet With His Survey-Fu
Make your surveys more useful & user-friendly by doing these 3 super-fast and super-simple things.
Weekly Review – Lists of Tasks
While doing weekly reviews don’t forget to check lists of your finished, in progress and blocked tasks.
Time Tracking with Toggl
My experience of using Toggl for a few days.
1 Week Sprint – After Few Weeks.
1 week sprint is enough to get things done once you get a hang of it. Give it a try and see how your team improves.
Outsource Your Memory or Strenghten It?
I often hear myself and others say things like “If I don’t write it down there is no way I’m gonna remember it” or “Please send me an email with this ’cause I will forget about it in a minute.”. The fact is, that we are all overburdened with an abundance of tasks we need…
3 Months of Workation – India, 2019
My lessons learned during 3 months workation in India.
Write it all down
When a task is overwhelming I start by writing everything about it down. It helps to see the whole context and is a great way to initiate the real work.
2 Productivity Tips That Cost You Nothing (And Give You A Lot!)
Distractions are evil! Some can’t be avoided, but there is a lot you can do to stay focused.