BDD – Boss-Driven Development – Whatever new feature your <attention>Boss</attention> mentions becomes priority 1. Is that clear?
CD – Cautious Deployment – Yes, we do CD. We deploy quarterly, as soon as we get all the required sign offs.
CDD – Conference-Driven Development – Next deadline? Conf X! What features should we deliver? The ones that will impress attendees of Conf X! (BTW. this is one quite normal & even expected for startups at some stage.)
CDD – Complaint-Driven Development – Show your app to people, listen to their complaints, select the top ones & fix them (source:
CVDD – CV-Driven Development – What cool new buzzwords would you like to have in your CV?
DDD – Debugger-Driven Design – write code easy to debugging (lot of local vars, strange line splitting, etc.)
DRY – Do Repeat Yourself – Oh, so you are also being paid by the lines of code written, aren’t you?
KIES – Keep It Extremely Sophisticated – Why? Because it is fun! Strictly related to “Job Security” concept and CVDD.
TDD – Todo-Driven Development – just write happy path and add TODOs comments.
Want to add your acronyms here? Great! Add comment below or use this twitter thread.
Contributors: Marek Kapowicki, Bartek Kuczyński