Learning surveys in weekend AKA three tips for making your surveys waaaaaay better.
I give examples of google forms but you can probably find similar options in whatever tool you use.
In corporate environment some people fill out many surveys and it is surprisingly easy to forget
a) if you already filled it
b) what were your answers
It would be very helpful to send the filled out form to the responder.
In google forms all you have to do is this (works only if you collect email addresses).

First / Last Response Bias
If you ask a “choose the best option” type of question, then shuffle the answers. Especially if there are many of them to choose from. If not you risk that the top or the last will be preferred – not because of their superiority, but because the are on prominent places.
Here is how you do it with google forms.

Make Me Feel Good, Please!
Last but not least, make sure your responders feel appreciated afterwards. A simple trick is to modify the “thank you” message, so it is not so generic.