We all know that rubber duck is programmer’s best friend (it was also proven that such duck should be yellow for maximum effect). Not surprisingly I have also a yellow toy on my desk. But it is not a duck. It is a little yellow human-like figure.
Usually it sits and waits for me to start explaining some code. It waits patiently till I get to the aha! moment. Sometimes it waits long. But it never gets bored. From time to time I can see it’s smile widens when I explain the nuances of my-oh-so-perfect-and-surely-working code.
But that is something which every rubber duck can do for you. My yellow friend has one hidden superpower which makes it much more useful. Look at the next image. Awesome, isn’t it?!
See? When I take my laptop home my yellow friend makes sure next time I come to the office I won’t have to dive under my desk to catch the cables. Cool, isn’t it?