From time to time I put some “personal information radiators” to remind myself of some important things that I tend to forget. Right now my information radiator looks like this:

The first card reminds me that I should focus on the most important things so that I don’t do urgent, but not-important stuff (BTW. 4DX to the rescue).
The second card is about finishing things that didn’t go as planned. I tend to despair when things don’t work as beautifully as I wanted them to. What is worse, I often abandon them in such a situation. So this card reminds me to collect myself and finish what I started.
The last card is related to my decision-making skills that I try to improve. It reminds me of a WRAP method that I learned from Decisive book by Chip & Dan Heath.
Does Information Radiator help?
It does (at least to some extent). Sometimes I need:
- an extra push towards productivity,
- a reminder that some things are worth doing even if you can’t do them perfectly,
- a little help to make a better decision.
And a quick glance at my board helps.
P.S. I will surely change the content of my board after some time.